Sunday 31 August 2014

More teeth!?

I was hoping to write a follow up to last week's post about anime with a discussion about children's media, but I'm going to have to postpone it until next week. My baby's second tooth is coming through and she's so sensitive about her teeth. Things have been a bit sleepless around here and I've had my hands full with a very grumpy baby.

It is story day though, so you can find a new short story here. It is called "There's Always a Way Back" and you can also find it by clicking on the Short Story link to the right. It was written in response to a challenge to write about addiction. It's fairly heavy fantasy but you may be interested if you, like me, grew up trying to walk through the backs of wardrobes...

As for a quick update on my writing and submissions: things are going very slowly. We're still dealing with frequent night time wakings and I'm obviously dedicating a lot of time to keep things running at home and giving Emmy as much of my attention as possible. I'm finding it challenging to keep up with submissions while editing and doing market research. Especially when I'd rather be writing.

So I'm going to try to redirect my energies more towards the actual writing. That's why I always try to make time for my blog every week, even if I don't end up writing the post I intended. It keeps me writing, it keeps me thinking, and allows me to explore topics I find valuable by presenting them as clearly as I can to my audience. I find it to be a great weekly exercise.

My next project is to write and collect some children's stories for Emmy as a birthday gift. I've got an amazing notebook, now I just need to get to work. So you may see some children's stories on content days in the future.

Please feel free to comment or even make suggestions for future posts. You can also feel free to throw me story challenges as long as they are fairly vague (i.e. broadly descriptive and not a story starter). Some challenges I've undertaken in the past: addiction, giving one's life for another, the impact a couple of words can have on a life, master and apprentice. If I have time, I might just give it a go.

Thanks for reading and pop by next week for my thoughts on things being "just for kids"!

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