Thursday 17 July 2014

A Week of Mixed Feelings

Before I say anything I just want to point out that I've posted a story here for your reading pleasure. I will be talking more about it below, but I just wanted to make sure people knew it was up.


It has been a crazy week so far. Baby teeth. Sleepless nights. Oh and I got my first rejection letter. I knew it was coming. I've been made to understand that publishing your writing is a lot like jumping between buildings in the Matrix - no one makes their first jump. (Or often their second, third, fourth etc).

I was really afraid of getting that letter though. I had no idea how I was going to react. Whether I would get upset. Whether it would hurt my self esteem. Whether it would make me want to throw the whole idea out the window. What actually happened was that it made me want to work harder. I instantly started researching other publications, particularly ones better suited to the hard Sci Fi piece I had written. I also felt a strong urge to write more, go over the pieces I'd already written, submit those I thought might make the cut, and to read more (since reading is a great way to learn and improve your own skills).

Personally, I'm pretty pleased with that reaction. Unfortunately, my daughter's teeth decided to come in and I've had no time to really put all this determination to good use. At least not to the extent that I would like. But that's life. All I can do is make the best of the time I have. 

Speaking of time, a friend of mine suggested I try to set a schedule for blogging to ensure I actually keep up with it. I wholeheartedly agree. From now on my intention is to post on Sundays and provide some sort of short story or other creative content the last Sunday of the month. Today is the exception since the blog is so new and I want to give everyone a reason to stick around!

If you click the link at the top of this page, or the one on the right titled "Out of the Lost Woods", you will find my short story of the same name. It sort of falls in between genres but is on the speculative side of fiction. It is my response to my husband's challenge to write a story about someone getting lost in a magical place called the Lost Woods. Yes, he is a huge Zelda nerd.

Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love that your husband gives you challenges. I believe most of my favourite authors had a hell of a time getting published, I guess its just par for the course when you are a writer, good on you for taking it in stride.
